Artists’ Estates

Workshop 2020: Artists’ Estates

Date: 24/01/2020, 9:00h-18:00h
Venue: Technische Universität Berlin, Hybrid Lab in der Villa Bell, Marchstraße 8, 10578 Berlin


9:00h Welcome coffee and tea (catering for the day will be provided by event solutions.24)

9:30h Welcome (Dorothee Wimmer, Centre for Art Market Studies, TU Berlin, DE) and brief introduction of meeting format (Pip Laurenson. Head of Collection Care Research at Tate, UK / Christoph Rausch, MAACCH, Maastricht University, NL)

9:40h Presentation by Miriam Windhausen (consultant for Mondriaan fund)

10:00h Presentation by Mark Waugh (art360 foundation/DACS)

10:20h Break

10:40h Presentations of research questions by all participants

11:30h Silent conversation

13:00h Lunch at the Hybrid Lab

14:30h Harvest

16:00h Break

16:15h Discussion of outcomes – how to proceed

18:00h Dinner at Paris Bar

Technische Universität Berlin, Hybrid Lab in der Villa Bell, Marchstraße 8, 10578 Berlin

Public Transport
U-Bahn: U2 Ernst-Reuter-Platz
Bus: M45, 245 Ernst-Reuter-Platz
S-Bahn: S3, S5, S7, S75 Zoologischer Garten, Tiergarten

Flyer Programme