Der internationale wissenschaftliche Beirat berät das Forum Kunst und Markt in allen Fragen der Programmgestaltung, des internationalen Austausches sowie beim Aufbau des peer-reviewed Open Access Journal for Art Market Studies.
Federico Freschi |
Executive Dean of the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture at the University of Johannesburg |
Thomas W. Gaehtgens |
Director emeritus of the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, Professor emeritus at the Freie Universität Berlin |
Kim Oosterlinck |
Professor of Finance at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Chairman of the Centre Emile Bernheim |
Inge Reist | Director of the Center for the History of Collecting in America, Frick Art Reference Library, New York |
Pierre Rosenberg | Member of the Académie française in Paris, Honorary Président-directeur of the Musée du Louvre |
Julian Stallabrass |
Professor of Art History at the Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London |
Stephanie Tasch |
Director, acquisition funding (17th to 19th century fine and decorative arts) and publications at the Kulturstiftung der Länder; member of the Taskforce Schwabinger Kunstfund (2013-2015) |
Olav Velthuis |
Professor at the Department of Sociology of the University of Amsterdam, Director of the program group Cultural Sociology |