Abendvortrag Prof. Dr. Sophie Raux

Reconstruction of the interior view of Gersaint’s shop displayed in the virtual reality space of the Sciences et Culturels du Visuel cluster, in Tourcoing © Chromelight Studio, Roubaix; CREHS, Université d’Artois; LARHRA, Université Lyon 2, CNRS; LISIC, ULCO (Picture Sophie Raux)


Prof. Dr. Sophie Raux, Lyon, talks about:

Mapping and 3D Visualization of European markets: Gersaint, Watteau and the Pont Notre Dame in the early 18th Century

Date: 25/06/2018, 6:15 pm
Venue: Room A 111, Architecture Building of the TU, Straße des 17. Juni 150/152, 10623 Berlin

Programm.pdf Directions to Room A 111