Research and Cooperation Projekts
Who is the Artist? Kennerschaftliche Praxis in Museen
The interdisciplinary online workshop “Who is the Artist? Kennerschaftliche Praxis in Museen” was organised by the Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies at the TU Berlin in cooperation with the Centre Marc Bloch – Franco-German Research Centre for the Social Sciences, Berlin.
Objects on the Art Market: Original oder Fälschung – eine Frage der Expertise?
The symposium “Objects on the Art Market: Original oder Fälschung – eine Frage der Expertise?” was organised by the Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies at the TU Berlin in cooperation with PD Dr. Waltraut M. Bayer (FWF project “Private Kunstmuseen und Stiftungen russischer Oligarchen”), Vienna, and funded by the DFG and the Wissenschaftsfonds FWF.
Dr. Dorothee Wimmer
This research project, centering on the material and ideological appropriation of Rembrandt under National Socialism, analyzes the interdependence between propaganda and the trade in works by Rembrandt in the “Third Reich”, comparing this to the periods before and after the period of National Socialism.
KuK TU Berlin YouTube-Link: Kunstpropaganda und Marktmacht: Rembrandt im Nationalsozialismus
Rembrandt in Graphs. A quantitative data analysis based on digitised German-language auction catalogues between 1901 and 1918
Gabriele Zöllner, M.A.
Associated Research Projects
Ambassadors of Beauty. Italian Old Masters and Fascist Cultural Diplomacy (1930-1940)
Dr. des. Matilde Cartolari
The dissertation investigates the exhibitions of Italian Old Masters promoted by the Fascist government abroad in the 1930s. Through an extensive survey of archival materials and the press campaign, the thesis reconstructs their organisational dynamics, and notably the (verbal and visual) rhetoric of the transfer of the exhibits in relation to international cultural diplomacy as well as the art market.
documenta and the Art Market (1955 – 1968)
Mela Dávila-Freire, M.A.
This research and book project examines the history of the early documentas (1955-1968) from an interdisciplinary perspective: the interface between commercial and artistic interests. The aim is to trace documenta’s activity as a publisher of artists’ editions and multiples in its early years.
Repertory: The French Art Market During during German Occupation in World War II
Dr. Elisabeth Furtwängler
TEAA – Tracing East Asian Art
Dr. Christine Howald
The forced opening of East Asia in the mid-nineteenth century suddenly opened an enormous market of original art treasures, setting off a wildfire of euphoria for asiatica in the West. The present research project contrasts the international actors and their transnational networks, both of which influenced the Western engagement with the art of the Far East.
Acquisitions made by the Berlin State Museums on the Parisian Art Market during the Occupation 1940-1944
Mattes Lammert, M.A.
The Art Market Dictionary – AMD
Dr. Johannes Nathan
The AMD is the first encompassing dictionary on the art market and its historic development. Published in English, the AMD will provide invaluable access to information on the trade’s principal agents such as auction houses, commercial galleries, art dealers and advisors.
Better than Gold? Art in Storage Spaces of the 21st Century
Dr. Christoph Rausch
Die Geschäftsbeziehungen zwischen der Kunst und Antiquitäten GmbH der DDR und westlichen Auktionshäusern im Zeitraum von 1973 bis 1990: Mechanismen – Netzwerke – Objekte
Xenia Schiemann, M.A.
Completed Projects
German-French Research Programme 2018-2019: Art Market and Art Collecting from 1900 to the Present in Germany and France
Paris, France, March 11-13, 2019
Berlin, Germany, November 8-10, 2018
The German-French Research Programme 2018–2019 “Art Market and Art Collecting from 1900 to the Present in Germany and France” was organised by the Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies at TU Berlin and the Centre Georg Simmel at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in collaboration with the Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte Paris. The German-French Research Programme 2018–2019 was funded by the UFA/DFH.
The Global Power of Private Museums: Arts and Publics – States and Markets
Berlin, November 16–18, 2017
The international conference “The Global Power of Private Museums: Arts and Publics – States and Markets” was organised by the Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies at TU Berlin in cooperation with the Forum Transregionale Studien c/o Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin, and its research programme Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices. The conference was funded by the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung.
Symbolic Capital? Prices at the Louvre around 1800
Prof. Dr. Bénédicte Savoy
In early 1810 the French government passed a law requiring all state museums to systematically list their complete holdings.
Link to the article: „Invaluable Masterpieces“: The Price of Art at the Musée Napoléon”
The Founding of the Auction House Hôtel Drouot 1852 in Paris
Dr. des. Lukas Fuchsgruber
In 1852, the newly erected auction house Hôtel Drouot opened its doors to the public. Here, the Association of Auctioneers proceeded with the sale of artworks, furniture, decorative art, fashion, and curiosities.
- Link to the publication: „Das Spektakel der Auktion. Die Gründung des Hôtel Drouot und die Entwicklung des Pariser Kunstmarkts im 19. Jahrhundert“
- Data on „Einzelauktionen lebender Künstler in den 1840er und 1850er Jahren in Paris“ (2020):
- Visualisation on „Einzelauktionen lebender Künstler in den 1840er und 1850er Jahren in Paris“ (2020):