Open Access: Fokum eEvening Lecture Winter Term 2020/2021
Due to the measures to contain COVID-19, all events of the Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies take place online in the winter term 2020/2021.

Prof. Dr. Natasha Degen, New York:
Between Crisis and Contingency: The Art Market Today and Its Post-Pandemic Future
Date: accessible from 07/12/2020
Link: KuK TU Berlin YouTube

Prof. Dr. Matthieu Leimgruber, Zürich:
Kriegsgeschäfte, Kapital und Kunsthaus: Die Entstehung der Sammlung Bührle im historischen Kontext
Date: accessible from 18/01/2021
Link: Kuk TU Berlin YouTube
The third lecture in our series unfortunately had to be cancelled due to a personal loss. The lecture will be moved to the summer term.
++Title, abstract and CV are always written in the respective language of presentation.++