CFP Antisemitische Symbole in Kunstobjekten 2024


documenta fifteen, banner by Taring Padi in a covered state, 21 June 2022, photo: Michael Paetzold, licence: Creative Commons by-sa-4.0

CFP: Antisemitische Symbole in Kunstobjekten (online/Berlin, 5.–6. Dezember 2024)

Symposium organised by the Centre for Art Market Studies in cooperation with the Department of Digital Provenance at TU Berlin and the Chair of Art Education at HFBK Hamburg

The symposium will take place online all day on 6 December 2024 (TU Zoom) and will open with an evening lecture on 5 December 2024.

Concept and organisation: Meike Hopp, Nora Sternfeld and Dorothee Wimmer, with the assistance of Gabriele Zöllner

CFP Deadline: 30. September 2024