Gabriele Zöllner – MA

Gabriele Zöllner

Rembrandt in Graphs. A quantitative data analysis based on digitised German-language auction catalogues between 1901 and 1918

Around 1900, everyone in art-historical, creative, and social circles was noticing Rembrandt due to tremendous publicity like the exhibition in honour of the accession of the Dutch Queen Wilhelmina in the Stedelijkmuseum in Amsterdam in 1898, which attracted around 43,000 visitors despite its short duration of seven weeks. In addition, numerous festivities were held in 1906 to celebrate his 300th birthday, not only in the Netherlands but also in Germany. There were numerous articles, books and reviews in the German-language contemporary literature and press. With Rembrandt’s popularity, the demand for originals on the art market also grew, so that art dealers made lucrative and often cross-border deals with Rembrandt works.

Within this context, there is today a great deal of research on the history of Rembrandt’s reception as well as on the international art market of the time. However, how the hype about Rembrandt was specifically expressed in the German-speaking auction business around 1900 has still to be determined. I therefore began researching this topic in my master’s thesis by analysing both data from the Getty Provenance Index® and further metadata from the digitised auction catalogues of the “German Sales”.

The following tables of my research are open access:

  • „Rembrandt“-Gemälde in deutschsprachigen Auktionskatalogen zwischen 1901 und 1918. Sources: Getty Provenance Index® und German Sales., published 27 July 2023. 
  • „Rembrandt“-Gemälde im Getty Provenance Index® zwischen 1901 und 1918. Source: Getty Provenance Index®,, published 27 July 2023.
  • Übersicht der „Rembrandt“-Gemälde anbietenden Auktionshäuser im Zeitraum zwischen 1901 und 1918 im deutschsprachigen Raum, mit Auflistung der Anzahl der Auktionen und sogenannten „Rembrandt“-Originalen. Source: Getty Provenance Index® und German Sales., published 27 July 2023.
