Category Archives: Allgemein

Journal for Art Market Studies IV

Based on a detail from George Cruickshank, The Elgin Marbles! or John Bull buying stones at the time his numerous family want bread!! (engraving, 1816). Cover design: Amichai Green Grafik.


Fourth issue of the open-access Journal for Art Market Studies, published by Forum Kunst und Markt/Centre for Art Market Studies at TU Berlin

Translocations and the Art Market
Volume 2, Number 2, 2018

Link to the journal

Ever since antiquity, the art market and the translocation of art have been closely related. The fourth issue of the Journal for Art Market Studies explores aspects of translocation facilitated by the art market, for example through lucrative trade in looted art as under the Nazis, the skillful exploitation of economic opportunities by wealthy overseas buyers, politically induced sales of national cultural assets as after the Russian Revolution, or the trade in colonial objects whose acquisition circumstances are often unknown.

Review: Christoph Schmälzle, 16/08/18: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Abendvortrag Dr. Berit Wagner

Bartholomeus van Bassen (?), Interior of the Vladislav Hall in the Prague Castle, 50 x 70 cm, c. 1607, Würzburg, Martin-von-Wagner-Museum


Dr. Berit Wagner, Frankfurt am Main, talks about:
Der verführte Sammler – Der deutsche Kunsthandel in Stadt und Hof um 1600 

Date: 21/01/2019, 6:15 p.m.
Venue: Room A 111, Architecture Building of the TU, Straße des 17. Juni 150/152, 10623

Programm.pdf Directions to Room A 111

Podiumsdiskussion: Asian Art: Markets, Provenance, History

© Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Fotograf: Anna Russ / Cover Design by Amichai Green Grafik


We cordially invite you to attend  the upcoming panel discussion Asian Art: Markets, Provenance, History on the occasion of the new issue of the Journal for Art Market Studies at TU Berlin and the finissage of the exhibition German Sales 1901-1929 at Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. 

On the Podium:
Britta Bommert (German Sales-Projekt)
Alexander Hofmann (Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin)
Christine Howald (TEAA – Tracing East Asian Art, TU Berlin)
Minh An Szabo de Bucs (Journalistin)

Susanne Meyer-Abich (Journal for Art Market Studies, TU Berlin)

Date: 5/09/2018, 6 pm
Venue: Ground floor of the Kunstbibliothek, Matthäikirchplatz 6, 10785 Berlin


Journal for Art Market Studies V

© Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, photographer: Anna Russ / Cover Design: Amichai Green Grafik


Fifth issue of the open-access Journal for Art Market Studies, published by Forum Kunst und Markt/Centre for Art Market Studies at TU Berlin

Fifth Issue
Asian Art: Markets, Provenance, History
Volume 2, Number 3, 2018

Link to the journal

The fifth issue of the Journal for Art Market Studies is focused on the subject “Asian Art: Markets, Provenance, History” and traces the circumstances and the paths taken by East Asian objects through the art market towards Western collections, be it the porcelain collection of Augustus the Strong, the looting of the Chinese imperial summer palace, or the current market for contemporary art.

Abendvortrag Prof. Dr. Julia Voss

Left: Hilma af Klint: Group IX/SUW, The Swan, No. 17, 1915 © Stiftelsen Hilma af Klints Verk; right:Hilma af Klint at the academy of arts in the 1880s, Photo (Detail) © Stiftelsen Hilma af Klints Verk


Prof. Dr. Julia Voss, Lüneburg, talks about:
Künstlerinnen ohne Markt.
Der Fall Hilma af Klint

Date: 07/01/2019, 6:15 p.m.
Venue: Room A 111, Architecture Building of the TU, Straße des 17. Juni 150/152, 10623
Programm.pdf Wegbeschreibung Raum A 111

CFP: Art Market and Art Collecting

© Fokum

Berlin, Germany, 8–10 Nov 2018
Paris, France, 11–13 March 2019

In 2018/2019, the Forum Kunst und Markt/Centre for Art Market Studies at Technische Universität Berlin in partnership with the Centre Georg Simmel at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and the Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte Paris is organising the research programme “Art Market and Art Collecting from 1900 to the Present in Germany and France”. The programme’s thematic emphasis is research into the art market and art collecting in national and transnational networks in Germany and France as well as how they relate to art and cultural policy. The project is funded by the Université franco-allemande/Deutsch-Französische Hochschule.

Download: CFP German-French Research Programme 2018-2019 

Abendvortrag Prof. Dr. Oy-Marra / Scherzinger/ Schmidt

Gift stamp with the initials E.B. of the art dealer Étienne Bignou @ Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Sabine Scherzinger


Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Oy-Marra, Sabine Scherzinger, M.A.  and Julia Schmidt, M.A., (Mainz) talk about:
Auktionskataloge – ihre Provenienzen, Annotationen und Funktionen:
Die Bibliothek der Kunsthistorischen Forschungsstätte Paris (1942-44)

Date: 13/05/2019, 6:15 p.m.
Venue: Room A 111, Architecture Building of the TU, Straße des 17. Juni 150/152, 10623

Programm.pdf Directions to Room A 111